Thank you for your interest! Our Crowdfunding campaign has finished. If you still wish to support us, you can make a gift at
Donating $10 can help preserve resources such as the Roy V. Boswell Collection for the History of Cartography. Navigate to University Archives & Special Collections, currently housed on the third floor of the Pollak Library South, to explore maps dating from 1285-1900 as well as published works on cartography, geography, and navigation.
Donating $25 can help preserve our amazing comic book collection, and expand into Latinx comics. Come and see a variety of comic books in University Archives & Special Collections currently housed on the third floor of the Pollak Library South.
Donating $50 can help us develop our collection of Latinx Science Fiction. University Archives & Special Collections holds the original screenplay of "Bladerunner," written by Mexican-American author Hampton Fancher and based on Philip K. Dick’s "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" in our Willis E. McNelly Science Fiction Collection.
Donating $75 can help us preserve and build upon our Latinx and Chicanx materials. The Library holds posters and other rare materials related to El Teatro Campesino, Cesar Chavez, the Farmworkers’ movement, and more in University Archives & Special Collections currently housed on the third floor of the Pollak Library South.
Donate $100 and be our superhero! Your donation can help us to launch our collection of Latinx science fiction and to make our vision of creating a new space to better serve our public a reality.
Donate $200 and follow in the footsteps of our philanthropist donors for whom the Library is named. Find out more about the Pollaks by exploring the Paulina June Pollak Papers at
Donate $500 and help us reach for the stars! We invite you explore the diverse resources in University Archives & Special Collections and help us build for the future.