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Tech Support Initiative

Total Raised: $2,676

Tech Support Initiative

The Tech Support Initiative was established to meet the needs of students who are struggling in this new virtual learning environment because they do not have access to technology resources at home. 


Many of our students rely on the campus Wi-Fi, library computers and loaned technology resources to complement their education. With the abrupt change in their learning environment, they are unable to attend online classes and effectively communicate with their professors and classmates. This initiative ensures that amidst the stress of an uncertain time, no student is left without access to technology because of financial need.


These are the tech items most needed by Titan students and the costs associated with each:

  • $35 - Webcam

  • $40 - Mi-Fi (mobile Wi-Fi hotspot)

  • $45 - Headset

  • $70 - Internet access 

  • $550 - Laptop

The Titan family is strong enough to overcome even the toughest situations. We band together. We uplift one another. We continue to reach higher. Let's show our students, the CSUF community and the world how much Titans care.

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